• Importance of Physiotherapy for sprained ankle 

    An ankle sprain is a very common injury caused mainly by twisting the ankle inwards.  

    You should go for physiotherapy for ankle sprain after injury: it helps reduce inflammation and pain. It is also important to move the ankle to help maintain the pain range of motion.  

    It is essential to see a post-injury physiotherapist check the severity of the sprain and rule out a fracture. Thus, in today’s blog we will emphasise on importance of Physiotherapy for sprained ankle. 

    Importance of physiotherapy after an ankle sprain:  

    1. Prevention of another injury  

    The healing time after an ankle sprain depends on the severity of the injury, with most ankle sprains taking 4-6 weeks to heal. Unfortunately, first-time lateral ankle sprains have a 70% recurrence rate as per expert Physiotherapists of AI Phyt Health. For this reason, it is crucial to have a good rehabilitation program after the injury to prevent another injury or sprain.  

    1. Strengthening the muscles  

    It is important to strengthen the muscles around the joint to prevent ankle instability. The Physiotherapist can provide an exercise program at home to get the full range of movements, improve strength and develop balance to prevent recurrences.  

    1. Improving the balance of the body  

    After an ankle injury, your balance is damaged because your sense of where the ankle is in space is weakened. It can make your ankle feel unstable and fall off. Proprioception/balance exercises teach your body to control the injured joint, which reduces the risk of an ankle injury.  

    1. Reducing Stiffness 

    Healing ligament also requires a certain amount of tension to heal properly, so it is important that the exercise program is progressive and gradual to promote stress to the ligament. Your ankle sprain physiotherapy treatment can help with this process too by using manual therapy to reduce stiffness in the joint and help promote healing.  

    If you would like to discuss more of your injury with an expert physiotherapist from the comfort of your home, do not hesitate to get in touch with the team at AI Phyt Health. It is India’s first AI-Assisted Physio Care to recover from the comfort of your home with their digital physio care for neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, back, hip, knee, and ankle pain.   

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